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oh sorry! which post?? i will reply right now!
Posted 29 Aug 2003

Topic: Film City


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if this is indeed true, it will be yet another step in the right direction for lollywood. will this lab apply to BOTH urdu and punjabi movies tho?! just curious...
Posted 29 Aug 2003


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lol. mein isleeya has raha houn, kyunke ayeshakhan_fanatic ne sahee bat kaee...springstepper is dheet. lol. uper say pagal bhi hai. lol.
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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lol. mein isleeya has raha houn, kyunke ayeshakhan_fanatic ne sahee bat kaee...springstepper is dheet. lol. uper say pagal bhi hai. lol.
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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should anyone happend to go see laaj in the uk or pakistan...make sure u fill the rest of us in, on how it was!! i know i'll be anxiously waiting!
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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woh woh woh!! punjabi films don't suck! you don't mean that do u?! lol.

sure they're a little ghetto, but most of them are funny. if they take out some of the sleeze in them, they're not too bad. three prime examples, chooriyan and mendhi wale hath, and nikki jaee haan. all clean punjabi movies. but in terms of violence and're right most punjabi movies suck.
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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lol. welcome back miss reema! its been a while! lol. whenever u say something is makes sense. lol. i agree with u on this issue as well.
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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this is my official last message to springspteer, cause now this is just going in circles. in my mind, he truly is a retard. no snese in saying the same shit over and over. he doesn't seem to get it, so i wash my hands with him. lol.

the main issue you spewed out in you last message, was the marriage issue, ONCE AGAIN. can you read son??? THE SAME THING HAPPENDS IN INDIA. THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENDS IN INDIA BY, lol, lol. and ya'll don't f**k your sisters, you LITERALLY f**k your MOMS. lol.

and u spoke of the evolution of humans. you're right, according to science we came from monkeys. but ya'll ain't humans. lol. you guys originated from some flying elephant or something, and then were reincarnated into the form of humans. thats where most (but NOT ALL) of u stand right now. but eventually when you die, you'll become a rat or something, right? ah well...its some kinda animal, i know that for sure. hahahaha.

say hello to all those animals gods from me - every single one of them u hear!! and it was nice talkin' 2 ya jackass. rot in

Posted 28 Aug 2003


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lol, ayeshakhan_fanatic. lol.
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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jinaab, if u find out the dates 4 u.s/canada while you're at it, it would be greatly appreciated....! (larki punjaban especially..)
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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good idea!

2 other tidbits on reema's movie...
- resham shoots from aug 20th - sept. 31st. not sure abt moammar.
- will be filmed in london....
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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vajpaee, bush, blair = THE 3 STOOGES. LOL.

the three of them COMBINED can't find osama, OR sadaam. and 2 of the three are world POWERHOUSES (u.s.a, britin). LOL, LOL, LOL. how pathetic. lol.

keep doin' u're 'job' tho springstepper. whatever makes u sleep easy, (besides your mom next 2 u).
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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.......and u think we're delusional, you dumbass. lol. u're going to wipe us out with a smile on your faces. LOL. THAT'LL BE THE DAY. i won't even bother with u anymore. you're hopeless. if you honestly belive that...i really feel sorry for you.

as far as being feared...if osama could pull off 9/11 on the u.s.a..i shutter 2 think what he could do to lil' india. LOL. oh man...u poor poor souls. atleast u can admit to fearing us, for whatever reason. i knew u had SOME sense...nobody could be that stupid.

'do as daddy does...' now you're just rephasing what i say in regards to india and your sorry people (monkey see monkey do). common jackass..come up with u're own shit. oh well...i rather copy my daddy, than a monkey. lol. but wait......monkey's ARE your daddys in some cases right (reincarnation)? LOL.

as far as your economy. of all the facts u might throw in regards to that.....only one sticks in my mind, and the world's....over 60% on the streets = MASSIVE POVERTY. nuff said.....
Posted 28 Aug 2003


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this is 2 funny people....

newsfalsh....the most hated religion (according to you), also happends to be the single most FEARED religion. and we should be wiped off the face of this planet??! hahahaha! think again dweeb, ISLAM is now officialy the MOST PRACTICED RELIGION ON THE PLANET!!! wipe us off??? we're just getting started ass****!!

and there u go again....if u're gonna make fun, or state a point (be it valid or in your case invalid) you might want to make sure it makes sense. we DON'T PRAY TO OUR PROPHET (PEACE BE UPON HIM) WE PRAY TO ONE GOD...THE NORMAL ONE.

and then u make fun of our topee which we wear??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! YOU f**kING MORON, YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE PUT SHIT ON YOUR FOREHEAD!!!! CAN YOU READ??? THATS S-H-I-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMAL DUNG! AND I'VE HEARD GANDI DRANK HIS PISS!!!!!!!!!! AND OFCOURSE MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO (ESPECIALLY WITH INDIANS), SO YA'LL MUST DRINK YOUR OWN PISS TOO!!!LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO f**kING RETARDED!!! i would pray 5 times a day and believe in my one God, rather than correspond with animals like u and your people do. india's in the world guniess book of records for having created the single biggest RAT STATUE to praise! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! the world hates rats and comes up with ways to get rid of them, while india cries 'hey bring em on!!! we can pray 2 'em!!!!!!! hhahahahahaha! you and your religion are a joke you ass're so f**king stupid to think you're liked by the western world. LOL. i feel sorry for u.

and then u keep bring up world opinion on our religion and country....since when is india buddy-buddy with the U.S???!! LOL, LOL, LOL!!! you're a f**king THIRD WORLD NATION JUST LIKE US YOU ba*****!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! you can bring up history, present, whatever....bottom line shithead (literally)....india may be all that 4 u and you're fellow retards, but for the western world....its nothing but shit.....and again, i say that literally.
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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i found out reema is shooting in london from the show sunday kay sunday. i'm sure they will use the major landmarks in other city. but who knows?!

as 4 laaj....the best thing 2 do is wait till friday and see what happends. lol. we all might be surprised and it may pop into theatres unexpectedly!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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you're right yaar...promoting is needed for these new movies (laaj, phela phela pyar, larki punjaban, salakhein, and more). i'm glad sayed noor is smart enough to join a group/company which will do this for his movie, starting with larki punjaban. i'm sure on the show, they will announce the OFFICIAL release date. can't wait...

shows like sunday kay sunday, and box office are good ways of promoting too...

as for meeting stars in london, good luck! i had no idea sana and javaid sheikh came to a place near u. keep an eye out....if saima comes, you dont want 2 miss her. lol. she seems like an interesting person 2 meet judging from the way she presented herself at the LP musical show. anyhow....good luck again, and fill us in if u meet somebody!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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you're right yaar...promoting is needed for these new movies (laaj, phela phela pyar, larki punjaban, salakhein, and more). i'm glad sayed noor is smart enough to join a group/company which will do this for his movie, starting with larki punjaban. i'm sure on the show, they will announce the OFFICIAL release date. can't wait...

shows like sunday kay sunday, and box office are good ways of promoting too...

as for meeting stars in london, good luck! i had no idea sana and javaid sheikh came to a place near u. keep an eye out....if saima comes, you dont want 2 miss her. lol. she seems like an interesting person 2 meet judging from the way she presented herself at the LP musical show. anyhow....good luck again, and fill us in if u meet somebody!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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and another thing u simp......

what the hell do these people's wives have to do with ANYTHING????? LOL, LOL, LOL........

shahrukh khan and co. is being discussed here. not shahrukh's wife and joe blow's sister and wheather they converted. what a freakin' idiot. and if you're trying to show that by not converting for their husbands, that shows india's liberal-ness......WHO GIVES A RATS ASS???? WELCOME TO THE BOLLYWOOD/LOLLYWOOD DISCUSSION BOARD....why u gotta keep bringing up polotics and religion???? what a freakin' JACKASS??!! altho ayeshakhan_fanatic brought up the fact that he's a muslim, YOU'RE THE SHITHEAD (literally) that brought up the guy's wife and HER religion. LOL. you're demented man...stick 2 the this case its shahrukh khan. but i give u credit. you're as patriotic as me, only difference is, its 4 that rat-hole,india.

and lastly abt the stoning and jailing for certain thoughts/actions in pakistan...its amazing how you pluck all these articles from your ass and post them on this site, yet u easily 4get the article posted by 'SHHH' in which the SAME punishments are outlined and shown as taking place CURRENT-DAY in india. you're so stupid, it stopped being funny a while ago.
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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and another thing u simp......

what the hell do these people's wives have to do with ANYTHING????? LOL, LOL, LOL........

shahrukh khan and co. is being discussed here. not shahrukh's wife and joe blow's sister and wheather they converted. what a freakin' idiot. and if you're trying to show that by not converting for their husbands, that shows india's liberal-ness......WHO GIVES A RATS ASS???? WELCOME TO THE BOLLYWOOD/LOLLYWOOD DISCUSSION BOARD....why u gotta keep bringing up polotics and religion???? what a freakin' JACKASS??!! altho ayeshakhan_fanatic brought up the fact that he's a muslim, YOU'RE THE SHITHEAD (literally) that brought up the guy's wife and HER religion. LOL. you're demented man...stick 2 the this case its shahrukh khan. but i give u credit. you're as patriotic as me, only difference is, its 4 that ,india.

and lastly abt the stoning and jailing for certain thoughts/actions in pakistan...its amazing how you pluck all these articles from your ass and post them on this site, yet u easily 4get the article posted by 'SHHH' in which the SAME punishments are outlined and shown as taking place CURRENT-DAY in india. you're so stupid, it stopped being funny a while ago.
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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people, people!!

so its a toss-up between shahrukh being muslim or atheist. either way ONE THINGS FOR DAMN SURE.....SHAHRUKH KHAN AIN'T HINDU!! and thats all that matters. last i checked....he's got KHAN as his last name, and to me, and i'm sure all of u...he'll ALWAYS be a muslim. who cares what this GANDU thinks?! LOL. let him spew his shit...its what he and his people do best. take credit for somethin' that ain't theres.

and hey ass-boy (springstepper)....b4 u think i meant shahrukh's pakistani...i mean he's a muslim and you're tryin' to make him out as a non-muslim - taking credit for something that ain't your's.
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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i think the abrar/saima concert is differenct from this show:

however BOTH have already taken place, i think, and they were both in london, from the way it looks. i saw the commercial again, and the show's name is 'LARKI PUNJABAN MUSICAL SHOW.' it airs on friday at 9:35 in the US. abrar, jawad, zain, naghmana and many more singers are there. and sayed noor is also present, as well as shamyl khan, and saima! saima looks very classy people...!! and she said this will be her best film to date. i hope she's right! its basically a show to promote the movie. something never done b4 for a pakistani movie, atleast 2 my knowledge....i might be wrong tho.

will u watch?!?!?!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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there will be a show in ptv prime this friday (aug. 29th)! sayed noor, abrar ul haq, jawad ahmed, naghmana jafferey, zain, some other singers, baber ali, shamyl khan and SAIMA WERE ALL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAIMA CAME TO A PUBLIC EVENT!!!!!!!!!!! lol. and there were many more stars present!

saima gave an interview and looked as classy as hell! shamyl did a bhangra around her while she stood there. she is sharif! lol. anyhow.....for those interested....the show airs on friday and the movie should be close behind!!!!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


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there will be a show in ptv prime this friday (aug. 29th)! sayed noor, abrar ul haq, jawad ahmed, naghmana jafferey, zain, some other singers, baber ali, shamyl khan and SAIMA WERE ALL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAIMA CAME TO A PUBLIC EVENT!!!!!!!!!!! lol. and there were many more stars present!

saima gave an interview and looked as classy as hell! shamyl did a bhangra around her while she stood there. she is sharif! lol. anyhow.....for those interested....the show airs on friday and the movie should be close behind!!!!
Posted 27 Aug 2003

Topic: paki concerts


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i hate when they do that eh?? i understand that u can never be 2 sure with some people, they're only dancing! lol. they should let them have fun. haroon did the same...he called people up to dance, and security took them away. idiots. lol.
Posted 26 Aug 2003


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great selections!

Posted 26 Aug 2003


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great selections!

Posted 26 Aug 2003


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lol. yaar, film release bhi nahi hoye aur aap ne saima pe itna bara ilzaam daaldeya?!?! lol. lets wait 4 the movie and then decide!

Posted 26 Aug 2003


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chooriyan is out on dvd?! are you sure?! i know vcd's are available, but dvd?! i don't care its not original, but if its on dvd, i'll go to the opposite end of the world 2 get it. lol.

good luck finding reema and co. in london while they shoot! fill me in if u happend to see anything...

as for the tape 4 phela phela pyar, i did not get that one. but i'll keep looking! have u bought any?!?!
Posted 26 Aug 2003


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Originally posted by SANAM SHABIR


Posted 26 Aug 2003


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jinaaaaaaaab, the cheap shots will never end, will they?!!!
Posted 26 Aug 2003